FCP-Foundation Fund

In 2005, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation approved the establishment of the Food & Culinary Professionals DPG Communication & Education Fund.

The fund was established to provide funding for 2 purposes:

  1. Create and support lectureships, through the payment of travel & related expenses, to enable & encourage FCP members to make educational presentation on topics of food & culinary interest at various educational venues, including Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics state, affiliate, regional workshops and meetings.
  2. Provide scholarship awards to support individuals with an interest in the mission of FCP in their participation in culinary learning educational experiences.

Beginning in 2005, FCP worked to fully "fund the fund" - and completed the endowment in January 2012.

Our first application period was in the spring of 2013 and our first award recipient was FCP member, Garrett Berdan, RD, LD.

The 2024 application closed February 20, 2024

The award amount is up to 75% of travel and conference expenses based on available funds; up to a $2,500 limit.